Monday, July 4, 2016

Firework Pet Names

These firework terms are great for your little firecracker! My favorites are Comet, Rocket, Squib,and Sparks. Share your favorites in the comments!

Banger - an airbomb that stays on the ground and makes a loud noise.
Blinker - a ground based firework that flashes
Bombette - any number of shell effects
Brocade - makes a spider-like effect in the sky.
Cherry Bomb - a round, firecracker that is 1 inch in diameter
Chrysanthemum - makes a flower-like pattern in the sky
Comet - makes a long trail of sparks in the sky
Crackle - the sound made by many types of fireworks
Crossette - a comet that breaks into multiple comets
Dahlia - makes a starfish-life shape in the sky
Dud - a firework that fails to ignite
Firecracker - flash powder wrapped in paper
Firefly - makes a stroboscopic tail effect with many bright flashes of light
Flitter - a type of star that has bright flashes of light
Fuse - the part of a firework that you light
Gerb - a tube on the ground that creates a fountain of sparks
Glitter - a tail effect that has flashes of light and small explosive bursts
Goggles - eye protection worn by people who handle fireworks
Jumping Jacks - Jumping Jacks spin rapidly and emit red and green sparks
Kamuro - creates an effect like a willow
Lance - a 5 inch tube that burns for 1 minute
Peony - makes a spherical ball of colored lights in the sky
Punk - a bamboo stick with a brown coating that burns slowly.
Pyrotechnic - any item that burns to perform it's function.
Rocket - term for a a tube propelled into the sky
Salute - an item that explodes, usually aerial items
Snaps - paper balls that make a bang when thrown at something
Sparkler - a stick that creates sparks when lit
Sparks - given off by burning materials
Spinner - a type of firework that spins
Squib - slang for an electric match
Tadpole - make a bright wiggly effect with a tail
Visco - a waterproof fuse that is used to light fireworks
Whistle - small paper tubes that make a sharp howling sound
Willow - makes a giant gold willow tree in the sky

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