Saturday, December 24, 2016

Norse Gods & Godesses

These Norse Gods and Goddesses are great namesakes for a pet with the spirit of a viking. My favoriates are Freyja, Loki, and Thor.

Baldr - God of beauty, innocence, peace and rebirth
Borr - Father of Odin, Vili and Ve
Bragi - God of poetry, music and the harp
Búri - God of Prehistory, and the first god
Dagr - God of the daytime
Dellingr - God of the dawn
Eir - Goddess of healing
Elli - Goddess of old age
Forseti - God of justice, peace and truth
Freyja - Goddess of love, fertility and battle
Freyr or Frey- God of fertility
Frigg or Frigga - Goddess of marriage and motherhood
Fulla - Frigga's handmaiden
Gefjun - Goddess of fertility and plough
Hel  - Queen of the Underworld
Heimdall - Guardian of Asgard
Hermóðr - Son of Odin
Hlín - Goddess of consolation and protection
Höðr - God of winter
Hœnir - The silent God
Iðunn - Goddess of youth
Jörð - Goddess of the Earth
Kvasir - God of inspiration
Lofn - Goddess of forbidden loves
Loki - God of mischief
Magni - God of strength, a son of Thor
Máni - God of the Moon
Mímir - Uncle of Odin
Móði - God of bravery, a son of Thor
Nanna - Goddess of joy and peace
Njörðr - God of the sea, wind, fish and wealth
Nótt - Goddess of the night
Odin - God of war, and ruler of the gods.
Rán - Goddess of the sea
Sif - Goddess of the harvest
Sjöfn - Goddess of love Skaði - Goddess of winter
Snotra - Goddess of wisdom
Sól - Goddess of the sun
Thor - God of thunder and battle
Thrúd - Daughter of Thor and Sif
Týr - God of war and the skies
Váli - God of revenge, son of Loki
Vár - Goddess of promises and agreements
- Along with Odin and Vili, one of the three gods of creation
Víðarr - God of the forest, revenge, and silence
Vili - Along with Odin and Vé, one of the three gods of creation
Vör - Goddess of wisdom

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