Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween Pet Names

Here are some Halloween themed names for your spooky pet!



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Friday, October 28, 2016

Witch Pet Names

These fictional witches should make wonderfully wicked name inspiration. I have excluded witches from the Harry Potter series, since in that series witch is used as a term for a female wizard, rather than a traditional witch. For Harry Potter names, see this post.

Abigail - The Vampire Diaries
Agnes - The Vampire Diaries
Alex - Witches of East End
Alexis - The Vampire Diaries
Alma - Witches of East End
Anne - Salem
Ariane - The Vampire Diaries
Astrid - The Vampire Diaries
Ayana - The Vampire Diaries
Bastianna - The Vampire Diaries
Bonnie - The Vampire Diaries
Bridget - Practical Magic
Broom-Hilda - Broom-Hilda
Cassie - The Vampire Diaries
Celeste - The Vampire Diaries
Circe - Homer's Odyssey
Clara - Bewitched
Clarissa - Goosebumps
Dahlia - The Vampire Diaries
Davina - The Vampire Diaries
Deborah - The Witching Hour
Drema - Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Elphaba - Wicked
Emily - The Vampire Diaries
Empusa - Stardust
Endora - Bewitched
Esmerelda - Discworld and Bewitched
Esther - The Vampire Diaries
Eva - Witches of East End and The Vampire Diaries
Frances - Practical Magic
Freya - Witches of East End and The Vampire Diaries
Genevieve - The Vampire Diaries
Gillian - Practical Magic
Gloria - The Vampire Diaries
Glinda - The Wizard of Oz
Greta - The Vampire Diaries
Gytha - Discworld
Helena - Witches of East End
Hilda - Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Hope - The Vampire Diaries
Isis - Witches of East End
Ingrid -  Witches of East End
Jadis - The Chronicles of Narnia
Jane-Anne - The Vampire Diaries
Joanna - Witches of East End
Josephine - The Vampire Diaries
Josette - The Vampire Diaries
Josie - The Vampire Diaries
Kara - The Vampire Diaries
Katerina - The Vampire Diaries
Lamia - Stardust
Lucy - The Vampire Diaries
Lizzie - The Vampire Diaries
Locasta - The Wizard of Oz
Madison - The Vampire Diaries
Mary - Salem
Mary-Alice - The Vampire Diaries
Mary-Beth - The Witching Hour
Mercy - Salem
Merrick - The Witching Hour
Minerva - Bewitched
Mona - The Witching Hour
Monique - The Vampire Diaries
Mormo - Stardust
Morwanneg - Stardust
Nessarose - Wicked
Olivia - The Vampire Diaries
Penelope - Witches of East End
Qetsiyah - The Vampire Diaries
Rowan - The Witching Hour
Sabine - The Vampire Diaries
Sabrina - Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Sally - Practical Magic
Samantha - Bewitched
Selina - Witches of East End
Serena - Bewitched
Shelia - The Vampire Diaries
Sophie - The Vampire Diaries
Suzanne - The Witching Hour
Tabitha - Bewitched
Tiffany - Discworld
Tituba - Salem
Wendy - Witches of East End
Zelda - Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Zelena - Once Upon a Time

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This is a list of Warlocks/Male Witches for your Halloween naming inspiration.

Adam - Bewitched
Albert - Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Archibald - Witches of East End
Arthur - Bewitched
Bastien - Witches of East End
Bombay - Bewitched
Dan - Witches of East End
Dash - Witches of East End
Doug - Witches of East End
Frederick -  Witches of East End
Harrison - Witches of East End
Ivar - Witches of East End
John - Salem
Jonas - The Vampire Diaries
Joshua - The Vampire Diaries
Julien - The Witching Hour
Kaleb - The Vampire Diaries
Killian - Witches of East End
Lucas - The Vampire Diaries
Luka - The Vampire Diaries
Maddox - The Vampire Diaries
Markos - The Vampire Diaries
Mason - Witches of East End
Mathias - Witches of East End
Maurice - Bewitched
Nikolaus - Witches of East End
Ronan - Witches of East End
Sebastian - Salem
Silas - The Vampire Diaries
Van - The Vampire Diaries
Victor - Witches of East End
Vidar - Witches of East End
Vincent - The Vampire Diaries

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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Greek Mythological Figures

This is a list of some of the more prominent mortals that appear in Greek Myths.

Achilles - Hero of the Trojan War
Aeneas - A Hero of the Trojan War and progenitor of the Romans
Agamemnon - King of Mycenae who fought in the Trojan War
Ajax - King of Salamis and hero of the Trojan War
Andromeda - Daughter of King Cepheus and Cassiopeia and wife of Perseus
Antigone - Daughter of Oedipus and his mother, Jocasta
Arachne - A weaver who was transformed into a spider after she challenged Athena to a contest
Ariadne - Princess of Crete who became wife of Dionysus
Briseis - A Princess taken by Achilles as a war prize
Cadmus - Founder and King of Thebes
Cassandra - Princess of Troy, she was cursed to see the future, and have no one believe her
Cassiopeia - Queen and mother of Andromeda who angered the gods
Daedalus - Inventor and the father of Icarus
Electra - Daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra
Hector - Prince of Troy, son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba
Heracles - Son of Zeus and Alcmene, the greatest Greek hero
Helen - Daughter of Zeus and Leda, she caused the Trojan War
Hermione - Daughter of Menelaus and Helen
Icarus - Son of Daedalus, who flew too close to the sun, and fell to his death
Jason - Leader of the Argonauts
Leda - Daughter of King Thestius and wife of King Tyndareus, she was the mother of Helen by Zeus
Medea - Wife of Jason who killed her own children
Midas - King of Phrygia. Everything he touched turned to gold.
Minos - King of Crete, son of Zeus and Europa
Niobe - Daughter of Tantalus, whose children were killed by Apollo and Artemis
Odysseus - King of Ithaca who got lost returning home from the Trojan War
Oedipus - King of Thebes who was fated to kill his father and marry his mother.
Orpheus - Musician and poet who attempted to retrieve his dead wife from the Underworld
Pandora - The first woman she released all the evils of humanity into the world, saving only hope.
Paris - Son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy, he eloped with Helen and caused the Trojan War
Penelope - Wife of Odysseus
Perseus - Son of Zeus who killed Medusa and used her head to save Andromeda
Pythia - The oracle at Delphi
Theseus - Son of Poseidon who slayed the minotaur and became King of Athens

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Monday, October 24, 2016

Greek Gods & Goddesses

This is a partial list of the numerous Greek Gods & Goddesses for your naming inspiration. My favorites are Apollo, Clio, Ersa, and Thalia.

Aphrodite - Goddess of beauty, love, desire and pleasure.
Apollo - God of music, arts, knowledge, healing, plague, prophecy, poetry, manly beauty and archery.
Ares - God of war, bloodshed and violence.
Artemis - Goddess of the hunt, wilderness, animals, young girls, childbirth, and plague. Also associated with bows and arrows.
Athena - Goddess of reason, wisdom, intelligence, skill, peace, warfare, battle strategy, and handicrafts.
Atlas - Titan that carries the heavens on his shoulders.
Aura - Titaness of the breeze.
Calliope - Muse of epic poetry
Calypso - A nymph who detained Odysseus.
Cerberus - Three headed dog who guarded the gates of the underworld
Chaos - The personification of nothingness from which all existence spring.
Charon - The ferryman to the underworld
Chronos - Primordial god of empirical time.
Circe - A powerful sorceress, daughter of Helios
Clio - The muse of history
Cronus - Titan of Harvests and personification of destructive time.
Cybele - A mountain goddess.
Demeter - Goddess of grain, agriculture, harvest, growth, and nourishment.
Dione - Titaness of the oracle of Dodona.
Dionysus - God of wine, fruitfulness, parties, festivals, madness, chaos, drunkenness, vegetation, and ecstasy.
Electra - One of the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione and wife of Corythus
Erebus - The god of darkness and shadow
Eros - The god of love and attraction
Ersa - Goddess of the dew
Gaia - Personification of the Earth
Hades - Ruler of the underworld and the dead.
Hecate - Goddess of crossroads, entrances, light, magic, witchcraft, poisonous plants, ghosts, necromancy and sorcery
Helios - Titan of the sun and guardian of oaths.
Hephaestus - God of fire, metalworking, and crafts.
Hera - Goddess of marriage, women, childbirth, heirs, kings and empires.
Hermes - God of boundaries, travel, communication, trade, language and writing.
Hestia - Goddess of hearth, home, and chastity.
Hyperion - Titan of light.
Hypnos - The personification of sleep.
Iapetus - Titan of mortality.
Iris - Goddess of the rainbow
Leto - Titaness of motherhood
Metis - Titaness of good counsel, advice, planning, cunning, craftiness and wisdom.
Mnemosyne - Titaness of memory and remembreance
Nemesis - Personification of retribution.
Nyx - Personification of the night.
Oceanus - Titan of the oceans and fount of all fresh water.
Ophion - Ruler of Earth before Cronus, or sometimes a snake born from the World Egg.
Orion - Giant Huntsman whom Zeus placed among the stars
Pallas - Titan of warcraft
Persephone - Goddess of the underworld, she was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, wife of Hades
Perses - Titan of destruction
Phanes - God of procreation.
Phoebe - Titaness of bright intellect and prophecy.
Poseidon - God of the sea, rivers, floods, droughts, and earthquakes.
Prometheus -  Titan of forethought and crafty counsel, and the creator of mankind
Rhea - Titaness of fertility, motherhood, and the mountain wilds.
Selene - Titaness of the moon
Styx - The personification of hatred and Titaness of the River Styx
Talos - A giant forged from bronze by Hephaestus to protect Europa
Tartarus - Personification of the deepest, darkest part of the underworld.
Tethys - Titaness of fresh-water, rivers, springs, streams, fountains and clouds
Thalassa - Personification of the sea.
Thalia - This name is shared by one of the three graces and the muse of comedy.
Theia - Titaness of sight and the shining light of the clear blue sky.
Themis - Titaness of divine law and order.
Uranus - The God of the heavens.
Zeus - God of the sky, weather, thunder, lightning, law, order, and justice.

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Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Addams Family Names

These names from the Addams Family franchise are a mix of goth and goofy. Most are obscure, but there were so many unique ones that I had to include them all.

Abigail - Gomez's cousin by marriage
Anemia - Aunt Anemia's bearded portrait hung in the family's home
Anorexia - Cousin Anorexia is a skeleton who thinks he's fat
Aphasia - Aunt Aphasia was the wife of Clump and mother of Creep and Blob
Aristotle - Pugsley's pet octopus
Atlas - Uncle Atlas is buried in the family cemetery next to the house
Axe - Uncle Axe was an executioner
Backwash - Uncle Backwash smelled funny
Balthazar - Morticia and Gomez met at Cousins Balthazar's funeral. Gomez was a suspect in his death.
Ben - An aunt or possibly an uncle of the family.
Bleak - Cousin Bleak had a middle eye that drooped.
Bleep - A cousin
Blemish - Aunt Blemish looked like a barn.
Blight - Uncle Blight always backed the political campains that washed out.
Blink - A cousin
Blob - Cousin Blob was the brother of Creep and son of Aphasia and Clump.
Bluebeard - An ancestor of the family
Boil - An uncle
Botchy - Aunt Blotchy's skeleton is in the attic
Bruno - The family's polar bearskin rug
Caliban - Cousin Caliban had two heads
Calpurnia - Ancestor who was burned as a witch in 1706
Canker - An uncle buried in the family cemetery
Cannonball - Old Cannonball Addams accidentally fired on his own men because he was lost without his glasses.
Carcass - An uncle
Casanova - A relative who toyed with women and didn't pay his alimony
Cassandra - Great-Uncle Zee kept digging Cassandra up because Love Potion 666 lasts for eternity
Catastrophia -  Daughter of Uncle Tic and Aunt Phobia
Cleopatra - Morticia's man- eating plant
Centipede - Cousin Centipede was a great sword master.
Chunky - Uncle Chunky had coughing fits.
Cleaver - An uncle
Clump - Uncle Clump was the husband of Aphasia, father of Creep and Blob.
Clot - Cousin Clot was sent to the electric chair
Cornelius - A relative who was known for failure
Cosimo - Brother of Gomez
Creep - Cousin who was the brother of Blob son of Aphasia and Clump.
Crimp - Cousin Crimp had a male head and a female head
Cringe - Cousin Cringe accidentally ate a saw hidden in a cake while he was in jail. He developed a taste for them.
Crusty - Aunt Crusty is buried in the backyard
Curdle - Morticia's cousin, who possibly had an eye in the back of his head
D.J. - Great Uncle D.J. had records buried with him. He was the life of the party until he died at one.
Curly - Ancestor of Gomez's, who lost his hand which lived on and was called Pinky
Daddy-O - Aunt Daddy-O was into beat poetry
Debbie - Wife of Uncle Fester
Delilah - Grandmother of Gomez
Deliria - Great Aunt Deliris was once engaged to a chimpanzee
Dexter - Dexter and Donald were conjoined twins that attended Uncle Fester's bachelor party
Diandra - Second wife of Squint Adams
Digit - Digit Addams has four arms
Donald - Dexter and Donald were conjoined twins that attended Uncle Fester's bachelor party
Drip - She was married to Uncle Droop
Dribble - A cousin
Droop - Uncle Droop was married to Aunt Drip, and Grandpa Droop was Morticia's grandfather.
Ebenezer - Ebenezer Adams was an early settler on the Great Plains
Edwin - Edwin Booth Addams was an actor
Eimar - Uncle Eimar lives in a barred cell in the house
Elke - An aunt
Elm - Uncle Elm caught root rot and is now a fireplace mantel
Erasmus - Erasmus Addams coined the saying, "You've got to take the bull by the teeth"
Esther - Ancestor who was the first witch in the family
Eustace - Cousin Eustace has an unually long neck based on the sweater Morticia knitted for him.
Farouk - Cousin whose leg is sticking out of the swordfish trophy on the wall
Faustus - Uncle Faustus would rattle his chains from inside his grave
Fern - Cousin of the family
Fester - Brother of Gomez
Flatulence - Uncle Flatulence was capable of producing a strong 'wind'
Fledge - Cousin Fledge was torn apart by four wild horses.
Flossie - An uncle
Flub - Uncle Flub had a fine, sensitive, drooping chin, and could not write
Fluid - Cousin Fluid had ears on his ankles
Fracas - An uncle
Frostbite - Uncle Frostbite melted
Fudgy - An uncle
Fungus - Cousin Fungus lived in a tunnel off the play room for 30 years
Geezer - Geezer was an old member of the McAddams branch of the family
Galileo - A cousin who wore a swimsuit similar to Gomez's
Gimp - Uncle Gimp was one of Morticia's relatives
Goober - Goober Adams was the ancestor who built the family mansion
Goomba - An aunt
Goop - Cousin Goop really knew how to look for a job but never found one.
Gomez - Husband of Morticia
Goner - Uncle Goner was headless, caught the plague, and crashed his blimp. He spends the winter in the family grematorium, and his summer vacation in the mausoleum.
Geeth - Great Aunt Geeth loved animals and choked to death on a furball
Gooey - An uncle
Gretch - An aunt
Gripe - Morticia once hired a marriage brokerage for Cousin Gripe.
Grisley - A portrait of Cousin Grisley facing a firing squad hangs in the hallway
Grizzle - Aunt Grizzle's shrunken head is used as a Christmas tree ornament
Grizzly - Grand Uncle Grizzly was a traitor but he only did it for the money
Grope - Cousin Grope had three ears
Gunnar - An uncle
Guzzle - An uncle
Hatchet - An aunt
Hector - Cousin Hector's shrunken head is a prop in a horseshoe toss pitch.
Henrietta - Deceased Cousin of the family
Hester - Mother of Morticia and Ophelia
Hill - An aunt
Imar - Cousin Imar had three arms
Isolde - Along with Tristan, the Addams' pet piranha
Itt - Son of Aunt Anemia and That
Jigsaw - An uncle
Knick-Knack - A deceased uncle.
LaBorgia - Aunt LaBorgia was executed by firing squad
Lafayette - Lafayette Addams challenged the Duke of Burgundy to a duel before skipping out of town.
Lavinia - Ancestor who was beheaded by her own children
Leech - Cousin of the family
Lefty - Lefty Addams was half the man he used to be and was never right
Link - Great Uncle Link was a monkey
Lobotomy - Uncle Lobotomy held the record for balancing the most place settings on his body
Long John - Long John Addams was an ancestor who was a pirate
Loomis - Loomis Addams invented a dance calle the Bat Bite Jubilee
Looney - Uncle Looney wanted to break Cousin Mojo's record for escaping a straighjacket.
Lois - Wife of Slosh Addams
Lucifer - Wednesday's pet lizard
Lumpy - Brother of Cousin Itt, son of Anemia and That
Lurch - The family's butler
Madoc - Great Uncle of the family
Malaprop - Uncle Fester made a ceramic urn for Grandfather Malaprop
Mange - Uncle Mange was caught by a dogcatcher
Manuel - Cousin Manuel is a pyromaniac
Melancholia - Daughter of Uncle Tic and Aunt Phobia
Millicent - Princess Millicent was an Addams who married a prince she was left in poverty when he died
Milo - A deceased uncle.
Minerva - Aunt who sometimes haunted the Addams's home
Mojo - Cousin Moho was an unsuccessful escape artist
Monday - Monday Jones was the daughter of Ramone and Putrescence and sister of Piggley
Mooma - Grandmama's mother
Morbid - An uncle
Morticia - Wife of Gomez
Mortimer - Grandfather of Gomez
Muerto - Uncle Fester's pet vulture
Nanook - Cousin Nanook gave the Addams' a totem pole but wanted their Bear in return
Newton - Sir Newton Addams was a scientist whose career high came when he set his house on fire while doing an experiment
Noggin - Aunt Noggin has two heads
Obadiah - Obadiah Addams is buried in cemetery at the family home
Odd - Cousin of the family
Odin - A deceased relative
Oopsie - Oopsie Addams invented a dance called The Diaper Fling
Ophelia - Sister of Morticia
Otis - Cousins Otis and Redding were siamese twins who always fought with each other
Pancho - Brother of Gomez
PeeWee - PeeWee was a member of the McAddams branch of the family
Pegleg - Pegleg Addams was the Scourge of the Seven Seas
Penelope - Famuly ancestor Lady Penelope Adams wa a pirate who used the alias The Dread Pirate Sylvia.
Phlegm - Deceased cousin of the family
Phobia - Aunt Phobia is married to Uncle Tic
Pierre - Moose head that hangs in the Addams' home
Piggley - Son of Putrescence and Ramone Jones and brother of Monday
Plato - Cousin Plato had two heads
Pretensia - Cousin Pretensia is a countess who was a freeloader
Pretzel - A relative of the family. They couldn't believe he tied the knot.
Ptolemy - Cousin Ptolemy appeared as a gorilla at a Halloween party.
Pugsley - Son of Morticia and Gomez
Pubert - Son of Morticia and Gomez
Putrescence - Putrescence was the wife of Ramone Jones and mother of Monday and Piggley
Pyro - An uncle
Queasy - Aunt Quesay was famous for the family dance, the Porcelain Tango
Ramone - Ramone Jones is the husband of Putrescence and father of Monday and Piggley
Rancid - An uncle
Redding - Cousins Otis and Redding were siamese twins who always fought with each other
Remus - Uncle Remus was buried in the snake pit.
Ripper - Uncle Ripper was a great magician.
Rulen - Rulen the Ruthless was an ancestor who lived in the Dark Ages
Salem - Salem's tombstone reads "Here Today - Here Tomorrow"
Scrunge - Aunt Scrunge had a tattoo on her forehead and a goatee
Shishi - Great Aunt Shishi left the family her priceless furniture
Shy - Cousin Shy is deceased but his spirit carves pumpkins on Halloween
Singe - An ancestor who was burned to death in Salem
Skank - Grandpa Skank still takes medication, despite the fact that he is already buried.
Skidmark - Uncle Skidmark who was hit by a car.
Slackjaw - Uncle Slackjaw was buried in the cemetery, but his heartbeat could still be heard.
Slice - An ancestor who sharpened guillotines during the French Revolution
Slimey - Cousin Slimey has two heads
Slosh - Cousin Slosh disowned the family. He was married to Lois Addams
Sloth - Cousin Sloth plays the banjo
Sludge - Fester and Grandmama dug up Great Grandpa Sludge because they couldn't agree on how many toes he had.
Slump - Cousin Slump had a brilliant mind, but he went crazy
Slurp - Grandpa Slurp had two heads, one with a bucktooth, and another with a receding chin. He was still referred to as a handsome devil
Snuffles - Warthog mounted on the wall in the Addam's home
Snappy - The family's pet alligator
Specter - Uncle Specter was a ghost who loved telling ghost stories.
Spore - Uncle Spore wrote Fungi of the World.
Spurt - An aunt
Squid - Grandpa Squid lived in the attic with Aunt Vendetta, but it's not known if they are still alive
Squint - Nickname of Mortimer Adams
Sticky - An aunt
Stiffy - An aunt
Sumo - An aunt
That - Cousin Itt's father
Thing - Disembodied hand that serves the family
Tic - Brother of Hester and Uncle of Morticia, he was husband of Aunt Phobia
Tracheal - Cousin Tracheal can smoke through her neck
Tristan - Along with Isolde, the Addams' pet piranha
Trivia - Aunt Trivia wasn't a music lover, but liked to go around kissing harpsichords
Turncoat - Cousin Turncoat was a traitor
Ulysses - Ulysses S Adams surrendered at Vicksburg
Vague - Cousin Vague was considered a good model for an abstract scuplture.
Van Dyke - An ancestor who helped buy Manhattan from the Native Americans
Vlad - Cousin Vlad was a ladies man, an expert marksman, and was once an executioner. He also was a suitor to Morticia, but he choked on a toothpick and died.
Vendetta - Aunt Vendetta resides in the attic with Grandpa Squid. It's not know if they are still alive
Vermin - Uncle Vermin loved nesting in Uncle Fester's pillowcases.
Wednesday - Daughter of Morticia and Gomez
Wick - Lord Wick was the husband of Cousin Pretensia. He was mauled to death by a pack of hyenas
Wince - An uncle
Winkle - Cousin Winkle gets out of his grave and sleepwalks
Winston - Great Uncle of the family
Wolfgang - Uncle Wolfgang was a werewolf.
Yorick - Cousin Yorick's skull has an axe in it.
Zander - Uncle Zander was the black sheep.
Zee - Great Uncle Zee keeps digging up Cassandra because Love Potion 666 lasts an eternity
Zelda - Morticia's pet vulture
Zombie - Uncle Zombie had midnight snacking frenzies.

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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Gashlycrumb Tinies Pet Names

Here is a list of names from Edward Gorey's Gashlycumb Tinies for your morbid name inspiration! :)

Amy - Fell down the stairs
Basil - Assaulted by bears
Clara - Wasted away
Desmond - Thrown out of a sleigh
Ernest - Choked on a peach
Fanny - Sucked dry by a leech
George - Smothered under a rug
Hector - Done in by a thug
Ida - Drowned in a lake
James - Took lye by mistake
Kate - Struck with an axe
Leo - Swallowed some tacks
Maud - Swept out to sea
Neville - Died of ennui
Olive - Run through with an awl
Prue - Trampled flat in a brawl
Rhoda - Consumed by a fire
Susan - Perished of fits
Titus - Flew into bits
Una - Slipped down a drain
Victor - Squashed under a train
Winnie - Embedded in Ice
Xerxes - Devoured by mice
Yorick - His head was knocked in
Zillah - Drank too much gin

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Saturday, October 8, 2016

Virtue Names for Pets

Virtue names are making a comeback, and are a great way to express your pets personality. My favorites are Bonny, Joy and Reverie.



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South Park Pet Names

These great names are from the Comedy Central show, South Park. My favorites are Ike, Sparky, and Tweek Tweak. Terrance and Phillip would be great for a pair of pets.

Mr. Kitty
Tweek Tweak

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